5 Simple Ways to Win at Life in 2019

As we plan for 2019, I suggest we need a reframe, not a revamp. Here are 5 simple but powerful pieces of wisdom to guide us, as captured in some of my most-engaged LinkedIn posts from the past year.



Last year, Gallup published a report with a seemingly troubling finding: In 2017 the prevalence of negative emotions reached a record high worldwide. “Collectively,” the research found, “the world is more stressed, more sad and in more pain today than we have ever seen before.”

One actionable recommendation from psychologists to counteract the swirling negativity: Build social connections. This is the number one way to boost emotional resiliency. That’s right. The simple act of making time to build and maintain relationships is among the most important things we can do to maintain a positive outlook amidst the stress of daily life.

In my new city, I notice that it is easy to retreat to the familiarity of my home or hotel, my social media networks or digitally-mediated conversations with U.S.-based family and friends. However, I am always rewarded when I make an effort to build real-time connections with new neighbors or colleagues, even across cultural or language barriers. New connections help me learn new things, gain fresh perspective, and ultimately feel more deeply rooted within my new community.

My first simple path to success for the new year: Set aside time each week to engage others in meaningful moments of connection. Real-time connection. Really worth it connection.



2018 brought the retirement of Indra Nooyi, a leader I am proud to call a mentor and a friend. In her goodbye letter to colleagues and employees, she offered several pearls of wisdom, including encouraging us to have a vision, bring people along with us (speaking of connections), and be mindful of a greater purpose.

Pointedly, she reminded us that the world is changing rapidly around us, and that we must become lifelong learners to keep up.

Nowhere is this truer than in China, where tech and digital innovation are driving change at warp speed. In my year here, I have had to embrace the dual role of leader and student, and it has reminded me that those two things are not opposites but always two sides of the same coin. I am grateful that it has never been easier to gain knowledge and perspective outside of formal education thanks to the vast network of resources like blogs, TED talks, books, podcasts, and other online resources.

Indra’s sage advice and a path for success in 2019: “Make ongoing education a priority.”



Upon arrival in Shanghai one of my first tasks was to articulate a strategic vision for PepsiCo’s Greater China Region. This gave me the occasion to think very intentionally about what really matters within an organization, and the process crystalized for me the importance of passion in the workplace.

In the months that followed, I spent a lot of time talking to my teams about the significance of doing what you love and loving what you do.

I truly believe that Steve Jobs got it right when he called loving what you do the “only way to do great work.”

A third approach for winning in the year ahead: let us make time to mindfully consider where our passions lie. If we call upon them, success will follow.



During my first year in Shanghai I’ve been confronted with so many different ways of doing, well, almost everything. Critical to my success here has been the ability to practice empathy by challenging my often Western-centric perspective and turning the tables to understand why things are done a certain way in China. For example, how Chinese consumer’s view the role of food in their long term health , their perceptions of color in communication etc.

It turns out the practice of empathy is not only a survival skill for expat CEOs, but a critical skill for the workplace of the future.

In 2018, MIT researchers reviewed the results of a global study of 1,000+ companies using or testing machine learning or AI. They found that the robot-enabled workplace of the future will require a new set of job roles including trainers, explainer­s and sustainers who will form a critical link between organizations and their AI. The most important skill for all of these uniquely human roles? You guessed it, a deep-rooted empathy, which will be a key predictor of success in the coming age of automation.

Practicing intentional empathy will open up a fourth path to success in the year ahead. Let us together strive always to understand unfamiliar and even uncomfortable points of view.



This past year I attended two global gatherings that hadn’t been on my radar before moving East: The WEF’s annual Meeting of New Champions in Tianjin and the Boao Forum for Asia on the beautiful Chinese island of Hainan.

Both of these events expanded my horizons. New locales, new networks, new ways of thinking, even new ways of framing and approaching global challenges.

I came away from each feeling energized, with a renewed sense of the scale of our world and my role within it. Ultimately, each of these trips reminded me that stepping out of my comfort zone is not easy, but that embracing new opportunities and experiences is always rewarding.

A final path to success in the year ahead? Let’s nourish our innate curiosity and make time to discover new things. We’ll feel more connected, more alive, and be more prepared to thrive in the workplace of the future.


Build connections, be a lifelong learner, be passionate, practice empathy, embrace new experiences.

This feels like a 2019 roadmap that is equal parts simple and powerful, and it is one that I will embrace in the year ahead.

However you choose to navigate what’s next, best wishes for a happy, healthy, and productive 2019.

Xin Nian Kuai Le! (Happy New Year!)

Asia Rising: 5 Eastern Trends Shaping the World

East to West and Back Again: A Shift in the World’s Economic Center of Gravity

The striking map below shows how the world’s economic “center of gravity” has shifted since AD 1. A “dizzying acceleration” (as described by The Guardian) took place from 2000 – 2010 when the center lunged back to Asia, reversing almost 2,000 years of steady movement west.


This eastward momentum illustrates the forthcoming “Asian Century” frequently discussed in books, the press and cultural conversations. While opinions about the particulars vary, experts agree that Asia will be the key region for global trade in next several decades.

Rapid urbanization and rising incomes mean increased purchasing power for Asian consumers. Further, there are more of these consumers than ever. The Brookings Institute estimates that 88% of the next 1 billion people to enter the global middle class will live in Asia, with 350 million to come from China alone. This large population with growing purchasing power will drive a significant portion of the world’s future economic growth.

Asia May Provide a Peek at the Future For Us All

A year into my move from North America to Asia, it is clear Asia’s economic growth will create two flows of goods and ideas. Undoubtedly, western products will pour IN (as they already are) to satisfy the needs and wants of a growing middle class. Alibaba, for example, recently said the company expects to import $200 billion in goods from 120 countries over the next 5 years.

Asian goods and ideas will also flow OUT, influencing the world in new and interesting ways. Over the past year, my frequent travels between LGA and PVG have given me a vantage point to see the ways Chinese culture in particular is shaping the West.

As aptly noted by PSFK, China provides the unique opportunity to peek into the “near-term future” of global business. Keep an eye on these five spheres of influence to see how they develop in 2019 and beyond…

1. New Approaches to Feeding the Planet

China’s middle class is increasingly health-conscious and interested in safer, more nutritious, more sustainable fare. Their growing purchasing power is fueling a search for new solutions. The country’s first food accelerator, Bits x Bites is exploring innovative ideas like authentic tasting lab-grown meat, alternative protein sources and “smart” versions of foods like white rice with lower, healthier glycemic indexes.


As part of the quest for health, ancient eastern medicinal foods, like Kombucha, are finding their way into mainstream cooking in China and abroad. Start-up Papp’s tea, for example, touts a “Tea Lab” with researchers devoted to designing functional tea blends to improve a wide range of health conditions.

China’s large and savvy group of online food shoppers provides a critical mass for models that have struggled to scale in the West. Meal-Kit Delivery Startup 321 Cooking delivers fresh, pre-packaged ready to cook ingredients to eager shoppers in China’s metro areas. And, digital innovations like facial recognition checkout, scan-and-go through WeChat, and free 1-hour delivery are de rigeur in the country’s grocery stores.

Few doubt that the future of growing, buying and preparing food will be tech-enabled. Asia, and China in particular, are at the forefront of this movement.

2. New Definitions of “Luxury”

In the West, luxury is most often defined by the physical retail experience. Think: elaborate stores, exquisite packaging, and a high level of personal customer service. In China, companies are being challenged to create luxury experiences for mobile-first shoppers who often prefer a digital environment, and this is driving novel solutions.


A few great examples include:

Gamified retail experiences like Dior’s online treasure hunt where players redeem points to purchase and unlock access to exclusive collections, Chanel’s beauty arcade pop-up created specifically to appeal in gamehall-crazy Hong Kong, and JD’s white glove delivery service, which sends smartly-dressed butlers in suits to deliver high-ticket items, immediately imparting status on their recipients.

Worldwide, the very definition of “luxury” is changing, and China is pushing that envelope.

3. Fusion of Physical and Digital Retail


Luxury isn’t the only area of disruption. China’s, young and mobile-first shoppers are inspiring innovation in mainstream retail as well.

Companies of all sizes are experimenting with corner stores transformed by digital apps and AI-personalization, self-service “box store” concepts, shoppable livestreams on social media, and robot-run restaurants – just to name a few.

The world over, the boundaries of physical and online are morphing to create a seamless, always-on retail experience. True, some of these innovations can be found in the West, but I agree with Forbes that China offers an unrivaled speed of innovation, scale, and variety of new retail formats.

4. A New Center For Tech Innovation

Chinese companies are no longer content with making components or cheap copies, and many are emerging as innovators in their own right. (See: my blog on the rise Shenzhen maker culture).


Asian tech companies, in particular, have made bold moves to claim a presence on the world’s stage. For the first time ever, the global Cannes Festival had an entire day devoted to China tech, where tech giants attended en masse to share an array of cutting-edge case studies.

And, Chinese manufacturers like Xiaomi, One Plus, and Huawei have recently introduced new products with splashy launches and flagship stores in global cities including London and NYC.


Increasingly, Chinese tech offerings are not iterative but bring wholly new innovations like 5G, sophisticated AI systems, and design inspired by collaboration with Western influences like Porsche.

Chinese cities are bustling with new ideas and tech-driven innovation, and I expect the pace will only increase in the year ahead.

5. New Ideas for the Global Culturescape

China will be the world’s most visited country by 2030, with the largest number of inbound and outbound travelers. As Chinese consumers circle the globe and receive international visitors, new ideas abound. A few great examples include language, celebrations, and shopping culture.


The “Chinglish” language is challenging conventions of common speech, creating new phrases and expressions. For example, the term “add Oil” the translation of a popular Chinese expression of encouragement, incitement or support was recently added to Webster’s Dictionary.

Eastern holidays like Chinese New Year are increasingly celebrated across the West, creating new cultural traditions, not to mention new consumption moments. This year, it was interesting to see U.S. companies launching their own Single’s Day sales with a uniquely American emphasis on self-care, and I look for the momentum around new shopping moments to continue.


Asia Adding to the Bricolage of Global Commerce

When I think of the new flows of ideas emanating from Asia – China in particular, I think of the word bricolage. This term was coined by social scientist Claude Lévi-Strauss to describe something new that is constructed from a diverse range of available things.

In that spirit of innovation, I am excited to think about what will be inspired by new infusions from Asian culture in the year ahead.



I’m Amy Chen, and I’m the CMO of PepsiCo’s Snacks business in China. A few weeks ago, I spent an incredible few days at the Cannes Lions “International Festival of Creativity”. (https://www.canneslions.com/). The annual event – now in its 65th year – brings together thousands of marketers, agencies, and creative communicators from around the world to “learn, network, and celebrate.”

The festival features hundreds of panels and presentations, as well as tailored programs like the CMO Accelerator that I attended, all geared towards discussing and defining the future of creativity. https://www.fastcompany.com/40584295/what-cannes-lions-2018-will-tell-us-about-the-attention-industry


Here are a few of the biggest themes from the week:

1.     Social responsibility, purpose, and morality come to the fore. In the era of #MeToo, it’s no surprise that there was much grappling with gender inequality and the (lack of) diversity in the creative world. http://www.alistdaily.com/entertainment/cannes-lions-activism/. “Creativity needs diversity” became a rallying cry for a more diverse future, as well as an acknowledgement of the critical role that diversity plays in driving creative breakthroughs in the first place. There was a broader undercurrent as well this year about the responsibility of advertisers and businesses to create the world that we want to live in. It’s a good challenge for all of us to think about! “Goodvertising” became a term of art, and the “Change for Good” Hackathon ran throughout the week. The United Nations mobilized creative support for the Sustainable Development Goals and unveiled a new “Lion’s Share” program to protect wildlife. Parkland, Florida, school shooting survivors shared the power of conviction in driving meaningful change. And Unilever’s Paul Polman, who was awarded the “Lion Heart” award, gave a clear and impassioned call to action: “poverty is not a sustainable business strategy for anyone”, he said, and “it is becoming increasingly clear that sustainable, purpose-led growth is the best way to meet the long-term needs of consumers and society.”


2.    From science vs. art to science and art – the ongoing (over-hyped) debate about data, technology, and creativity. I knew this would be a big topic when I saw the huge billboard at the entrance to the festival: “Remember when creatives didn’t ‘do’ data?” Once you turned the corner, you encountered a cheeky response: “Shift happens.” Speakers drummed up drama by debating whether data and technology would be the “downfall” or “savior” of creativity; one session even teased that it would “pit real-life audience members against the algorithms that run their lives”. By the end, I think most concluded that data and creativity is not an either/or, but rather a challenge of how to most effectively integrate the two. https://www.alistdaily.com/technology/cannes-lions-2018-how-technology-is-disrupting-the-creative-process/. A number of companies shared how they’ve approached this question, with inspiring case studies of how artificial intelligence is accelerating creative productivity, data is revealing deeper consumer insights, and technology is charting new creative frontiers in health and even beauty.


3.    (Too) Big tech? Between Cambridge Analytica, fake news scandals, and privacy breaches, the “golden child” shine of the tech industry has dulled a bit. NYU professor Scott Galloway continued his crusade to “break up big tech”, and there did seem to be a palpable anxiety about the control and influence that these companies have on our lives as individuals and as a society. At the same time, most people I talked to seemed deeply conflicted on the matter. Think of it this way: even if you know it’s bad for competition and are frustrated that Alexa systematically biases search results to favor Amazon’s house brands, you’ll probably decide that Amazon Prime is just too convenient to stop using. And even if you’re uneasy that Google has a near monopoly on search, you’ll probably keep googling regardless. And if you’re Cannes Lion, you’ll have panels debating the virtues of big technology companies, but still award Google the coveted Marketer of the Year!

4.  China on the Rise. Tech giants Alibaba and Tencent (and KFC, JD, Huawei, and a raft of other Chinese companies) were at the festival en masse, anchoring a “China Day” program that sought to dispel any doubt about China’s ascendance on the world stage of creativity and innovation. https://www.canneslions.com/the-festival/china-day.


China was the only country to have a dedicated forum, and the speakers covered a dizzying array of leading edge case studies on everything from breakthroughs in omnichannel commerce and marketing to “superapps” like WeChat; the emergence of the world’s largest market for e-sports and electric cars; and creative ways that brands are preserving thousands of years of cultural heritage by making them fresh again for new generations. Martin Sorrell (founder of WPP) went so far as to declare that China’s imminent dominance was undebatable

5.   The more things change, the more they stay the same… Creativity and innovation will still win the day. There was a lot of (inside baseball) chatter about the changing nature of the creative industry: the shake-up at WPP, the entry of consulting firms like Accenture and Deloitte into the creative space, the disruption caused by data and new technologies. But amidst all of this flux and chaos, my clearest takeaway from the festival was still the raw and tremendous power of creativity. Creativity inspires us, moves us to tears, makes us laugh, and allows us to believe that the future can be different than the present. https://www.adweek.com/creativity/check-out-all-30-grand-prix-winners-from-cannes-lions-2018/

As I’m sure you can tell from even this brief post, it was an incredible week in Cannes. I’m coming back to my team and business inspired to help create the future through brands, ideas and experiences that matter in the world… and I hope you will join me on this journey!


Au revoir,




Amy Chen is the Chief Marketing Officer of PepsiCo’s Greater China Region (GCR) Snacks Category. Amy has been with PepsiCo for eleven years and has held a broad range of roles across functions and operating divisions, including sales and customer management, operations, innovation, and marketing. Amy is a passionate believer that business – and brands – can be a force for social good. She currently serves on PepsiCo’s Global Human Rights Operating Committee and is an executive sponsor for Food for Good, a PepsiCo initiative focused on inner city nutrition that she founded in 2009.   Before joining PepsiCo, Amy worked as a strategy consultant for McKinsey & Company. Amy has an M.B.A. and a J.D. from Stanford University, as well as an undergraduate degree in chemistry from Harvard.

Reflections from BOAO


You’ve heard of Davos, where the global intelligentsia gathers each January, but how about Boao? Each spring, this charming town on the southern Chinese island of Hainan hosts the Boao Forum for Asia (BFA), which brings together attendees from international political, business and academic circles.

I had the pleasure of participating in my first BFA recently, and I enjoyed the chance to step back from the hum of daily life and reflect on some of the big ideas shaping our world. The economy is a central topic at the conference, and there was no shortage of talk about trade policy, the Belt and Road Initiative, and the impact of emerging technologies.

Yet, one of the more interesting themes focused not on tech but on people and their role in the new economy. In particular, conference speakers highlighted the importance of valuing people, including people, and serving people at a personal level.

Dialog about the coming 4th Industrial Revolution can sometimes overwhelm with talk of automation and unemployment. Yet, I left the conference more certain than ever that human creativity and innovation will be as important in the next century as they have been over the past 100 years. Here are three conference insights that illustrate why:



The 2017 G20 Summit put the digital economy on the top of its agenda as one of the fundamental solutions & directions of the world economy. This term refers to the economic activity that results from the billions of online connections among people, businesses, devices and data. The scale of the digital economy is expanding, and its proportion of national GDPs is rising. In the U.S., the digital economy accounts for 58% of the GDP. In China, it accounts for 40% – a number that is growing.

Futurist and Wired founder Kevin Kelly told the forum that the digital economy will be driven by robots, VR, artificial intelligence, IoT, blockchain and other new technologies. However one of Kelly’s most profound insights was also incredibly low-tech: the digital economy is nothing without people. Rather, it is simply a new economic system that embodies age-old human intelligence and behavior. For example, AI and cloud computing are extensions of intelligence needed for solving the problem of ‘what we should do.’ The Internet of Things realizes communications between humans and the world and settles the problem of ‘how to do.’ And, the robot is an extension of specific human behaviors.

Kelly reminded conference-goers that amidst rapid innovation, humans remain superior at asking “why.” We continue to outperform machines when it comes to exploring, curating, inventing, innovating, and experiencing new things.

SO WHAT? As we contemplate the 4th Industrial Revolution, smart leaders will remember that people– not machines– lie at the heart of the digital economy. For organizations, this reinforces the need to pursue a strategy of people-first innovation. Even amidst rapid automation, leaders must prioritize efforts to attract and retain the best people. Increasingly, this will include hiring those with the soft skills (e.g., curiosity, empathy, creativity) necessary to imagine a machine-aided society. And, formalizing ways to train and incent leaders at all levels to value human collaboration as much as technological proficiency.



The conference theme was “an open and innovative Asia,” and the related idea of inclusivity surfaced in many sessions.

Several speakers reminded conference-goers that the application of new technology is unbalanced around the world and, in many cases, causes polarization and marginalization. This inspired me to think deeply about our collective responsibility to make sure the digital divide doesn’t leave large segments of the population behind.

Israeli entrepreneur Yossi Vardi advocated for the need to change the idea that only government is responsible for solving these problems. He stressed that inclusive measures should be taken to allow all classes to join in and help marginalized groups gain access to resources as much as possible. The proceedings were peppered with specific examples, like Altimeter Capital partner Ram Parameswaran’s suggestion that providing internet access for the 5 billion people currently without it is the next blue ocean for Internet providers.

SO WHAT? This insight about inclusivity highlights the opportunity for companies to add the lens of “tech equity” to their current sustainability efforts. Doing this would bring organizational focus to the ways tech innovation will change a business and invite action. For example, emerging technology will undoubtedly burst open the already wide income gap between skilled and unskilled workers, while also leaving many without viable employment options. This suggests a clear mandate to prioritize initiatives aimed at reskilling and up-skilling an organization’s workforce. It also beckons companies to look further afield to support efforts that ensure the next generation has the skills to thrive in the automated workplace of the future.



The term “New Retail” was another one circulating often throughout the conference. For those less familiar, analysts use this moniker to refer to the use of technology, upgraded manufacturing, financial tools and data-backed logistics to reimagine the interplay between consumers, merchandise and the retail space.

While technology powers the New Retail economy, presenters emphasized the fact that it is knowledge of people (otherwise known as customers) that will ensure success. In the New Retail world, products will be designed based on the analysis of customer behavior and created before people even realize they have a need. Hans-Paul Burkner from BCG noted that the key to this future retail landscape is to really know your customers and create an experience beyond just purchasing, which requires constant experimentation via data mining and analysis.

SO WHAT? As I contemplate the “new retail” world, I am particularly interested in the ability to use data for mass personalization. How quickly can we move from leading companies that make products for the masses to leading companies that create a personalized offer for tomorrow based on what someone consumed yesterday? This critical path to success will emanate from a people-first approach.


I greatly enjoyed the opportunity to meet, learn from, and exchange views with so many inspiring thinkers from around the globe. Among many other things I learned that: #1: People, not machines, will lie at the heart of the digital economy. We should shape our organizations to value the human in a high-tech world. #2: As we approach the 4th Industrial Revolution, companies can use the lens of “tech equity” to focus their sustainable business efforts, and #3: Tech innovation powers “new retail,” but success will go to the businesses that understand their customers at a personal level and tailor their offerings accordingly.

I am energized by these insights from Boao, and I hope you will be also!

A View from One Of WeChat’s 1 Billion Users


WeChat has been a hot topic in the news after recently reaching the milestone of 1 billion active monthly users. I became one of them after moving to Shanghai, and I have spent a lot of time learning the ins and outs of China’s most-used app. Several months into life as a Shanghainese, what can I tell you about WeChat?

First, a WeChat few basics for those who may not be familiar. The Chinese call the platform “Weixin.” It is the “jewel in the crown” of tech-giant Tencent’s growing empire. WeChat accounted for at least one-third of Tencent's $9.8 billion USD earnings ($65.2 billion RMB) in Q3 of 2017. Further, WeChat drove its huge user base and their cash into other Tencent services, like gaming.

Tencent launched WeChat in 2011 as a simple messaging platform, but it has since evolved into China’s “everything app.” It is a social network, messaging platform, mobile pay service, professional interface, eCommerce site, and national ID system– all rolled into one.

Like so many things in China, WeChat defies a simple East versus West comparison. It is a uniquely Chinese digital ecosystem that is best understood on its own terms. Here are a few ways WeChat is distinctive from the digital players that dominate in the West.

1) It’s Your Chinese Wallet


Mobile pay has experienced explosive growth in China over the past few years. 90% of consumers use some form of it, and the country is well on its way to becoming the world’s first cashless society. Chinese consumers spent $9 trillion USD via mobile payments in 2016, and this dwarfs the $112 million paid in the U.S. over the same period.


WeChat helped put mobile pay on the map in 2014, when the brand launched a campaign that allowed users to send digital versions of the red envelopes (hongbao) that Chinese traditionally exchange

during the Chinese New Year. The digital red packets were wildly popular, and Chinese of all ages scrambled to sign up for WeChat Pay so they could participate.

During the red packet promotion, the number of people using WeChat payments more than tripled, from 30 million to 100 million, and this user base continues to grow. Tencent now owns 40% of the mobile pay market, and is quickly gaining on rival Alibaba. Incidentally, the red envelope campaign continues to feed that growth; during this year’s Spring Festival, WeChat users exchanged a record 688 million virtual packets.

Big picture, this huge base of WeChat pay users are making mobile pay a way of life in China. Your phone is becoming the preferred, if not the only way, to pay for food, transportation and goods. Restaurants, from white tablecloth establishments to street vendors, only accept mobile pay. Taxis don’t take credit cards. Grocery stores feature scanners that allow one-touch mobile pay, and three-quarters of fast food purchases are paid for using mobile. In fact, 40% of consumers carry less than 100RMB ($15US), and many people I know can’t remember the last time they carried cash at all.

2) WeChat Is a One-Stop Shop


WeChat is your Chinese wallet, but it is so much more. Reporters use words like “embedded,” “revolutionized” and “operating system for your life,” to describe the role WeChat plays in Chinese culture.

Stratechery's Ben Thompson explained this well, noting that “for all intents and purposes WeChat is your phone, and to a far greater extent in China than anywhere else, your phone is everything.”

After living here a few months, I can attest that these comments are absolute truth versus journalistic hyperbole. 

On an average day, I can wake up to check my social media feed, pay for my green tea, join a video call conducted within the app, confer with colleagues, catch a cab to dinner, buy plane tickets for an upcoming vacation, make a doctor appointment, pay a few bills and order groceries – all without ever leaving the WeChat ecosystem.

This is quite different from the U.S., where I would need to toggle between a number of interfaces like Facebook, ApplePay, iMessage, LinkedIn, Slack, Skype, email, Uber, and several different websites, to complete the laundry list above.

I find myself spending increasing amounts of time within WeChat, something I have in common with my Chinese-born friends. Today, Chinese internet users spend one-third of all their time on mobile in WeChat. And, over one-third of WeChat subscribers use the WeChat app 30 times per day.

Currently, digital life is more fragmented in China than in the US. In fact, the average user installs 40 apps per year. However, Tencent is focused on adding new services that keep users within the WeChat ecosystem. The launch of mini programs in 2017 (more about those below) and a very recent foray into a mobile marketplace called WeShop means I’ll eventually be able to purchase almost anything I can think of from right within my WeChat account.

Tencent’s stated vision for WeChat is to connect “people to people, people to services, people to objects” – and they are fast achieving it.

3) WeChat Is Blurring the Lines Between the Online & Offline World


If universal connectivity is the name of Tencent’s game, “mini programs” are one principal way WeChat is achieving it.

Launched in 2017, these “light” applications allow users to find and use an application through WeChat without downloading the app or leaving the WeChat ecosystem.

For example, let’s say I spot a bike rental kiosk and decide I want to get some exercise instead of hailing a Didi. I simply scan a QR code on the bike to open the app within WeChat, sign up for the service and then pay using WeChat Pay. 

No waiting for a space-hogging app to download. No complicated registration and verification process. I just scan, touch and go.

A recent article calls Mini Programs “bookmarks dropped all over the physical world,” and that is an apt description. For sellers of all kinds of goods and services, they provide a link between the physical world and the digital world of WeChat and their users. I can access anything I see in the offline world by scanning a QR code. And, anything that provides a paid-for good or service can be finalized with WeChat Pay.

At current, I can use mini programs to check into a hotel, buy something on social commerce site Pinduoduo, or pick up food at KFC without waiting in line. Companies are just starting to experiment with the capabilities of mini programs, and new uses are appearing daily. For brands that have a significant presence in the physical world, these embedded apps provide an extremely powerful way to allow consumers to discover and interact with your offering in real-time.

What to Make of WeChat?


If it is almost unthinkable for an individual to navigate life in China without a WeChat account, the same is quickly becoming true for companies of all sizes.

As I embark on my journey to understand the nuances of WeChat marketing, the word seamless will guide me. WeChat makes it seamless to buy things, seamless to accomplish most any task, and creates an increasingly seamless link between the brick-and-mortar and the digital.

The frictionless world of WeChat is creating incredibly high expectations among Chinese consumers. They are accustomed to a hassle-free shopper experience and have a lot less patience for some of the hallmarks of the U.S. shopper experience. For example: interacting with an associate, verifying identity to pay, typing in a website, toggling between a social media app and a retail site, or even waiting in a line.

WeChat has made QR codes a ubiquitous part of life in China, and using them is second nature for Chinese consumers. They expect to use QR for payment, but also for a growing number of tasks like finding a company online, researching product information, or accessing how-to videos for physical products. A company not actively using QR codes to make life more convenient seems behind the times by Chinese standards.

Further, the WeChat ecosystem is driving a huge appetite for personalization. WeChat (and competitor AliPay) are amassing incredible amounts of data. With every transaction, they know what you buy, where, and how much you spend. They use that data to continually add new features and personalized recommendations within the app. Consumers across the globe expect personalized service, but Chinese consumers are taking this to a new level.

WeChat makes so many parts of daily life supremely easy, and Chinese consumers consequently have little patience for companies that don’t follow suit. This is important for business leaders looking to develop a China strategy and also a great inspiration to help us imagine what could be in the United States and throughout the west. Seamless experience is the name of the game.

Chinese New Year : Celebrating the Traditional & the Modern in the Year of the Dog

Chinese New Year Instore theater

Chinese New Year Instore theater

Greetings from Shanghai where the pace of life is slowly returning to normal after the Chinese New Year festivities, which kicked off on February 16th.

I’ve long enjoyed CNY celebrations in cities around the world. However, the experience of my first Spring Festival in Shanghai is one I will not soon forget.

The 15-day festival is the most important holiday on China’s cultural and retail calendars. For reference, it's interesting to know that Chinese families spent close to $100B on CNY shopping and dining in 2014– almost double what was spent during American Thanksgiving.


Among other things, I observed the festival to be a study in contrasts. On the one hand, there is a strong cultural imperative to return home for a traditional celebration with family members. I still have a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that homeward-bound Chinese travelers make almost 3 billion trips annually during the New Year celebration, creating the world’s largest human migration.

However, the idea of duonian, or “escaping” from the Spring Festival is also gaining popularity throughout China. Growing numbers of urban professionals enjoy escaping the mainland for international vacations, while migrant workers are increasingly forgoing trips home to skip the financial burden of the gifts expected to accompany their arrival.

PepsiCo's Quaker Chinese New Year displays

PepsiCo's Quaker Chinese New Year displays

Travel home or escape? Cook a traditional meal or dine out? Shop at customary markets or online?       Give time-honored gifts or foreign goods? Or even an English couplet?

The interplay between 4,000 years of tradition and a decidedly modern lifestyle was at play throughout CNY preparations and celebrations this year.

At many points during the festival, I encountered people expressing aspects of this duality – a deep yearning to honor tradition mixed with a desire to infuse their holiday celebrations with contemporary goods and experiences.


I also observed several companies actively helping Chinese consumers reconcile this cultural tension. They represent great examples of how a brand can deepen their relationship with consumers during moments that matter, by answering unmet needs and desires with delightful solutions.


Image: Caixin Global

I’d be remiss not to start with WeChat’s reinvention of the hongbao, or cash-filled red envelope customarily exchanged during CNY celebrations. In 2014, the company launched a Red Envelope App, which allowed users to digitally participate in the customary gifting. 

WeChat drew on the traditional iconography of the red packet, so the app felt familiar and rooted in tradition. However, a novel innovation allowed gifters to send a lump sum to a group to be dispersed in random amounts, adding a new element of surprise and luck.

By all accounts the idea was a cultural hit, and exchanging money via the Red Envelope app has become a modern tradition (and a clever way to drive WeChat trial and use). In 2017, approximately 46.6 billion red envelopes were exchanged – an incredible 33 envelopes for every person in China. Aptly, The China Post declared that, “even grandma is ditching hongbao for WeChat’s digital red envelopes.” 

Chinese New Year preparations customarily include family shopping trips to local markets to buy fabric for new clothing, décor items, gifts, candies, and the ingredients for holiday meals.

Today, consumer goods are abundant throughout the year, families live further apart, and shopping trips are rapidly shifting to hypermarkets and online. Yet, many still yearn for the time-honored market experience.

Last year, the eCommerce website Taobao acknowledged this tension with a beautiful redesign of their user interface for the CNY holiday. The seasonal overlay drew inspiration from a famous, Song-dynasty era painting of a traditional Chinese market, Along the River During the Qingming Festival

Image: Dragon Social 

Image: Dragon Social 

Taobao created an animated, interactive interpretation of the art that became their homepage during the festival. Users could shop the animation, either by clicking parts of the picture corresponding to what they wanted to purchase or by using a search feature. 

This creative website redesign was an insightful solution to help shoppers reconcile a longing for the traditional market trip with the ease and convenience of accomplishing their holiday shopping online. 

During the festival, there is no shortage of nostalgic advertising that explores the increasing difficulty of pausing one’s busy life to return home. 
(See here, here, and here, but have your tissues ready). 

Image: Nokia China

This year, Nokia did something less expected with their holiday advertising, which launched the Nokia 6 just ahead of the CNY. The campaign features a dutiful son who is a busy actor, unable to return home for the New Year. 

His mother, unsatisfied with a video call, surprises him on the set of his film with a home-cooked meal, and the pair enjoy a warm dinner together.

I love the way that Nokia suggests an unexpected solution to a common consumer dilemma, by reimagining the idea of the “return home” and opening up new paths to family togetherness.


Pepsi’s “Bring Happiness Home” campaign is a fourth and final example of the insightful updating of CNY tradition. Each year, the brand partners with award-winning talent to produce a short film that celebrates CNY and explores the idea of a “happy family.” 

This year’s production, Thunderbolt Parents, is a musical comedy that tells the story of two generations of love and dreams. It sagely reminds “young people” across generations that we will find our parents much cooler (and more complicated) than we imagine if we only make an effort to understand them.

Image: Pepsi, 2018

Image: Pepsi, 2018

Over the past 7 years, Pepsi’s launch of a short film has become a CNY tradition in its own right, signaling to consumers that the Spring Festival is near. 

This year’s project has already garnered over 600 million views, along with a noteworthy amount of social media buzz.

I appreciate the way that Pepsi, true to its fun-loving spirit, uses a star-studded cast and karaoke-worthy tunes to refresh the idea of the traditional reunion dinner. Pepsi joyfully reminds consumers that, with a little heart, celebrating the New Year with family can be a lively, modern affair. 


These examples are four sparks that illuminate how an insightful blend of the customary and the contemporary can result in a delightful updating of tradition. 

Rapid technological innovation and increasing prosperity are contributing to moments of cultural change in cities around the globe. This is certainly true in China during the Spring Festival and at other times throughout the year as well. 

I believe brands, especially multinationals, are at their best when they can help consumers forge new ways forward while also helping them retain what is important from the past. 

The most successful will approach this opportunity with the perfect blend of fresh thinking and humility – a mandate that will be at the core of my work in the year ahead.

Happy Year of the Dog to all. Xin nian da ji! (Have a prosperous New Year.)

Holiday Cheers for Inclusive Advertising

‘Tis the season for holiday ads. I always look forward to the parade of new efforts that dot the marketing landscape this time of year.

I love that the annual holiday “adstravaganza” has been elevated to a cultural event in the UK. (And, I am intrigued by the fact that some British marketers now monetize their holiday ads through the sale of related merchandise!)

These holiday messages surely exist to build brand equity and make the register ring. But taken together, I think they can also serve as a nice mirror that reflects back important themes on our current cultural landscape.

This year, I am heartened to see several ads (and their omnichannel extensions of course) veer beyond the more expected holiday motifs to celebrate moments of connection and inclusivity across differences.

From British grocery retailer Tesco, we see a celebration of the ways families from different walks of life and religious traditions participate in the shared ritual of the turkey roast. The spot, titled “Turkey every which way,” closes with the affirmation “Everyone is Welcome” at Tesco.

From Lego Australia comes a story of what can happen when Santa and the Asian martial arts archetype Sensei Wu team up to save Christmas. In addition to reflecting the spirit of imagination foundational to the brand, the whimsical tale delivers the charming sentiment that we are better when we work across cultural perspectives to “build together.”

Pic group.jpg

From Sonos, the lively message that a shared musical celebration is just what is needed to transform a dull holiday gathering into an epic, multicultural and multigenerational holiday dance party.

And, from Samsung a poignant statement about the universal power of gratitude compliments a diverse group of building tenants who come together to thank the doorman who has gone the extra mile to make each of their holiday celebrations– from Diwali, to Christmas, to Chinese New Year –extra special.

In a year when the news headlines have been dominated by the many issues that divide us, it is refreshing to see marketers choose to hold up a cultural mirror that celebrates the potential for connection across boundaries, be they ethnic, religious, generational or otherwise.

Around the globe, our cities are diverse and becoming more so every day. Millennial consumers are particularly comfortable in this heterogeneous world and deserve credit for encouraging companies to stand up for inclusivity. Cheers to these advertisers who have taken note of this cultural shift and chosen to emphasize what unites rather than what divides this holiday season.

Happy holidays, and may each of you enjoy your own simple moments of simple connection amidst the year-end bustle.

Reflections From Berlin: The 4th Generation of Retail is Coming – Are You Ready?

“The future of retail will be led by sophisticated technology companies who happen to have a retail business.”

This quote lit a fire in me at a recent Consumer Goods Forum Summit presentation in Berlin, where pervasive topic of conversation was the fast-approaching 4th generation of retail (“4G Retail”).

Dan O’Connor, a fellow at Harvard’s Advanced Leadership Institute, spoke about the impending shift. In his conceptualization, the past 100 years saw three iterations of the retail model and the landscape today is being disrupted by a fourth new model.

O’Connor preaches that companies which function between innovation curves are best positioned for success. He cites Netflix as a great example, noting their ability to leverage one declining business model (the DVD) while anticipating and preparing for the next (digital content).

My key takeaway from his impassioned overview: in today’s retail environment, visionary leadership means optimizing for the world we know while preparing for the 4G Retail future.

Thinking about where retail has been helps us see more clearly where we are headed, so let’s dive in at the beginning!

The first wave, 1G Retail, was mediated through small, community-driven trade networks. In 1G Retail – which still accounts for 50% of the global retail pie – proximity, localization, and relationships are everything. This is the domain of the small family-owned shop where everyone knows your name and your buying habits.

Retail consolidation marked the beginning of the 2G Retail era. Starting in the 1960s and 1970s, large retailers (think: Wal-Mart) created new economies of scale by merging fragmented supply chains. These pioneers offered both convenience and cost savings, creating a juggernaut model that comprises 30% of the global retail pie today.

The rise of the online marketplace ushered in the third generation– 3G Retail. In this model, transactions take place on “platforms,” like Amazon or Alibaba’s Taobao. And, through what O’Connor calls “intermediaries” like Facebook, Google, or WeChat. Amazon’s IPO took place less than two decades ago. Yet, 3G Retail already accounts for at least 20% of global retail dollars.

Driven by real-time data analytics and rapid innovation (e.g., subscription pricing, mobile ordering, same-day delivery), the digital store model disrupted almost every aspect of the retail landscape. 3G Retail also prompted a shift in the very pace of the business, from a 52-week planning cycle to an environment that requires near-constant response to real-time developments.

 O’Connor dubs the next era 4G Retail or the age of “Real Time Retail.” In this 4G landscape, he predicts that a significant part of commerce will take place on a small handful of large digital value networks,” or digital platforms that serve a widening variety of functions including commerce, search, and social. Notably, technology companies and not traditional retailers will own these networks. In the U.S., we immediately think of Amazon, but around the globe, other platforms like Alibaba, Flipkart, and JD come to mind.

Tech innovation notoriously empowers consumers, and the Age of “Real Time” Retail will be no different. Imagine the 4G landscape like today’s retail on steroids – with interactions increasingly fast and frictionless. Transactions will take place on a few digital platforms, seamlessly along the spectrum between online and offline.

Same-hour delivery via driverless truck. Check. Personalized offers based on yesterday’s purchase behavior. Yep. A content-rich environment where everything you see is for sale? You got it. The 4G world will push the era of consumer control to its infinite boundaries, fueled by innovations around things like robotics, AI, driverless delivery, and 3D printing.

So now that we know that a 4G world is coming, what should we do about it?

 Here are three implications. In a 4G Retail World: 1. Data is table stakes 2. Retail platforms > media platforms 3. Success requires inventing new moments of consumer discovery.

#1: Data Is Table Stakes

In the 4G Retail future, the companies who control the data will rule the world. Success in the 4G retail world will require “big data collaboration” – both within organizations and across new (unconventional) manufacturer + retailer alliances.

This was illustrated in a recent Financial Times piece about Alibaba, which noted the company’s transformation into a growing “big data conglomerate.” Their massive data stream informs everything they do including merchant strategy, marketing, inventory management and even the layout of physical stores.

Despite the importance of data-driven insights, most traditional retail companies still face significant organizational and technical challenges to integrating and analyzing their own data. These issues compound when companies try to look further afield to think about how to work together with digital platform partners (e.g., Amazon) to optimize.

Getting their data house in order is an urgent matter for current retailers, since even simple data transformation efforts can take many years to launch.

#2: Retail Platforms > Media Platforms

My hypothesis is that in the 4G Retail landscape, the importance of large retail platforms will ultimately dwarf that of traditional media publishers. In fact, I am not sure the traditional standalone media content players survive in this future.

Think this sounds radical? Consider the similar tale of digital consolidation playing out in two very different retail markets, the U.S. and China.

In the U.S., Amazon is steadily reducing the need for online consumers to venture far from their site. They dominate commerce, with over half of shoppers starting every online shopping trip on the site and a full 90% cross-shopping Amazon even if they find what they are looking for on a retailer site. Amazon Prime Video is tripling their production of original content series over the next few years. Amazon Spark – curated retail in a social media format – looks poised to change the way we shop. In a retail future where consumers can shop, view content and socialize all within the Amazon platform, traditional publishers start to look much less relevant. 

That “single platform” future is even one step closer to reality in China. Alibaba-owned Tmall already controls more than 60% of the Chinese eCommerce market. Their multi-faceted Alipay is a true “killer app” that lets users complete a wide variety of tasks (from bill pay, to calling a cab, to getting a loan) right within the app. Like Amazon, Alibaba is aggressively expanding into digital media and entertainment with ventures including Alibaba Music, Alibaba Pictures and video-streaming site Youku. With aspirations far beyond simple retail transactions, Alibaba is building a vast “social commerce” ecosystem that supports almost everything someone needs or wants to do online.

This shift to a world where commerce, content and social life seamlessly merge on a single platform will require marketers to rethink the 4P’s through the lens of ecommerce retail platforms. (These are the future “Digital Value Networks” in O’Connor’s G4 framework).

New alliances between retailers, manufacturers and social platform companies will be critically important. Retailers and manufacturers will succeed by viewing shoppers as more than “trips and baskets” and by understanding their increasingly wide array of behaviors on digital retail platforms. In a G4 world, an Amazon shopper could be binge watching her favorite show via Prime Video, purchasing the outfit the main character is wearing, while conversing with her friends about the plot twist that just happened. How will your product or service get in on the action?

Savvy industry leaders will benefit from thinking now about which partnerships matter and how to develop these.

#3: Success = Imagining New Moments Of Discovery

In a 4G world, the retail storefront will be “everywhere,” and it will be up to brands and retailers to create new times and places to engage shoppers.

Critical questions for retailers and manufacturers will include: Where and when are my consumers that my product could be? How can we bring our product or service experience TO them, as they come to us less frequently? How do we offer a personalized experience to every shopper?

A number of retailers and manufacturers have begun seamlessly integrating the retail and hospitality consumer categories by rolling out “buy what you see” lines available for purchase at boutique hotels. This seamless, arresting experience is a picture-perfect example of the thinking needed to succeed in the G4 Retail world.

The spoils will go to the companies with the vision to imagine and create the retail landscape of the future – where every space and moment of technological interaction with a consumer is a potential storefront. What can you do to create a more seamless, simple connection to your customers today?

At The End Of The Day, So What?

We’re at the early, nascent stage of the 4G Retail Age. Today, promise yourself that you will be one of the leaders with the vision to co-create the new, exciting, ready-to-be-built world of 4G retail that’s coming, whether we like it or not.

Can Amazon be Beaten: How UK Grocery Retailer Ocado Is Holding Its Own

Imagine a retail grocery business run by a deep technology estate. No stores, only online deliveries from automated warehouses. Robots in those warehouses pick most items and send them via high-speed conveyor belt to human attendants for packing.

A human-like robotic hand is capable of handling over 50,000 products of all shapes, including delicate items like produce. This process is all monitored by technology that can alert the human attendants to packing errors. Other “collaborative robots” learn from and assist the human warehouse manager. An artificially intelligent warehouse system collects data and optimizes operations. A computer program even maps the best delivery routes for drivers.

This isn’t the grocery store of the future but a description of the present-day operations at Ocado. Ok, the robotic hand is still in development, but the rest is 100% operational.

I’ve recently returned from a UK market tour where colleagues were buzzing about this unique, online-only grocery retailer. They are the world’s largest and their team of technologists and techies has been working to change the way we shop for groceries for the past 16 years.

Amazon Fresh entered the UK market last summer, and many predicted Ocado’s demise. Yet, the retailer has survived, some might even say thrived. Their 2016 sales beat forecasts, rising 14.8% to £1.3B. This momentum has continued in 2017 with both sales and weekly orders increasing despite a sluggish British retail environment.

I have heard of other similar David vs. Goliath success stories. Earlier this year, I wrote about the fact that Amazon is surviving but not thriving in several other markets including China, India, and Mexico.

This most recent example got me thinking again about how and why homegrown retailers are able to give Amazon a run for their money.

In India, Amazon has struggled to win trial and loyalty in face of rival Flipkart’s entrenched awareness and strong seller relationships.

In Mexico, Amazon has fought to build trust in a market where the cultural defaults are cash payments and brick and mortar shopping. Meanwhile, local competitor Mercado Libre has leveraged a nuanced understanding of local culture to hold their own.

In the UK, Ocado’s impressive tech infrastructure is helping them keep Amazon at bay. The Independent calls the company “superlatively innovative” and they likely embody what the grocery category will look like in the age of the 4th Industrial Revolution.

Yet, Ocado has retained a strong compass for human values too. The company is testing delivery via more sustainable electric vehicles. They are partnering with underground urban farms with lower carbon footprints vs. traditional farming. And, they run a ‘Code for Life’ initiative designed to prepare the next generation of workers for the automated workplace.

I don’t want to overstate Ocado’s success. They still have a long road ahead; one that requires them to sustain their growth and license their tech infrastructure to an international grocery partner soon.

Nevertheless, I am heartened to see an innovative player succeed in the face of a powerful incumbent competitor.

Photo Credits: Business Insider, http://read.bi/2qJuvwE

The Rebirth of Consumer Curation

Well over a decade ago, savvy retailers started to offer edited assortments to shoppers dealing with a growing number of options. Remember Target’s collaboration with Issac Mizrahi or the growth of retail chain Anthropologie? Analysts dubbed this phenomenon ‘curated consumption,’ and it became a standard retail offering.

To “curate” means to "pull together, sift through, and select for presentation." There is a functional aspect to curation, as it requires the working through a volume of choices. It also requires the creative act of making selections that others see as unique or inspired.

In today's tech-enabled culture, I’ve noticed this editing process happening with a new scope and speed. A growing variety of things are being curated with increasingly sophisticated tools  – a dynamic I’ll call Curation 2.0.

The Dawn of Curation 2.0

Whether we are considering where to work, live, or vacation; how to eat, dress, or style a home; or what to listen to, watch, or read – the options available at our fingertips continue to grow. In this cultural landscape, the more technology offers us, the more we need new tools to curate the vast landscape of what is available.

This struck me while perusing a group of the most upvoted product ideas on the Product Hunt Website. (The site itself being, ironically, a curated selection of startup ideas.)

Entrepreneurs clearly recognize a cultural need for help dealing with option overload. Across the new product ideas, the offer of an edited selection of options was a recurrent theme.

I found products to curate everything under the sun: job postings from around the world, minimalist design objects, local spots for travelers, coffee shops for working, art, or weekend plans.

Many of these start-ups are business models yet to be proven, but they complement a litany of more established applications with curation elements like Netflix, Flipboard, and Apple Music. (And of course Pinterest, perhaps the grandfather of curation apps.)

Curation on the Retail Landscape

Curation 2.0 means you can find a great local dive or unique objet d’art, but it is also playing out on larger scale. Where there are masses of consumers, there are companies to help them navigate through a dizzying number of retail categories by choosing only from an edited assortment.

One only need begin with StitchFix for clothes, then move on to BlueApron for groceries, 99 chairs for furnishings, and Canopy for most everything else.

The fashion category is one particularly interesting example of how an industry can be revolutionized by Curation 2.0.

As the pace and scope of fashion has eclipsed the abilities of the average shopper, many have turned to editors for help.

Subscription services like Trunk Club (and the already-mentioned Stitch Fix) and curation websites like AHA and LiketoKnow.it have become an integral part of the way many consumers shop for and buy clothing.

Some of these applications use tech-powered curation. For example, Stitch Fix employs over 50 data scientists to create selections tailored to individual customer tastes. Others, like AHA, rely on human tastemakers to identify inspired options.

Whether guided by an algorithm or a living, breathing person, curated fashion doesn't seem to be a passing fad. One industry expert predicts that subscription services will become a full-fledged fashion retail channel in the coming years.

What’s Next?

As shoppers enjoy curated shopping experiences in a few pioneering categories, their decision-making muscles will atrophy. It is not a stretch to imagine they will desire – even expect – curated help across all their shopping experiences.

Retailers and brands sold at retail should ask themselves how they can leverage technology to become trusted editors. To start, consider a quick-fire brainstorm:

Q1: What do we sell that my consumers would like to consume in an edited assortment?

Q2: What type of curation do my consumers want? (Consider: Customized Combinations? Inspired suggestions from a tastemaker? Community-generated recommendations?)

Q3: Should my curated selections be generated by an algorithm? A human? Both?

What’s Even Further Afield?

Looking down the road, I predict a need for ‘meta-curators.’

As consumers come to rely on curated collections across many categories, the number of requisite websites and apps will once again explode. As a consumer, I would love to use many of the tools I’ve called out above – but who has the time?

The inevitable next step will be to pare down to a smaller number of broad curation tools that work across traditional categories.

Will the next wave of Silicon Valley darlings be applications that crack the meta-curation code?

Until then, good luck and happy editing!

Tax-Paying Robots May Be the Future of Work: Why Should We Care?

It’s not news that robots will replace large numbers of human workers over the next few years. For context, a 2016 WEF study found that 5 million jobs in 15 countries could go by 2020.

But, Bill Gates recently made headlines by calling for a tax on companies’ use of these new automated workers. His thought-provoking argument:

The shift to automation will leave many out of work and without meaningful re-employment prospects. For example, U.S. retail jobs are identified as one of the most at-risk for robot replacement. This pending disruption is evident in the customer-service robots popping up around the country. For example, Lowe’s LoweBot, Macy’s On-Call assistant, Pepper’s debut in California malls, and of course Amazon's cashier-free grocery store.

The reduction of paid labor will shrink the income and social security tax bases and limit governments' abilities to help those affected – at a time when they need a social safety net the most.

Gates maintains that we should take steps to plan for this automated future by instituting a tax on robot workers. Companies could fund the tax with some of the windfall from their labor reduction. Governments could use the proceeds to support displaced workers and retrain them for positions where human skills are still needed. Gates' examples include healthcare and education, but I also see opportunities for retailers to launch retraining efforts.

The robot tax is not a completely novel suggestion. Last month, European parliament considered and rejected a similar proposal, a decision hailed by the robotics industry.

It's no surprise that some economists and policy makers opposed the idea. The challenges are complex, but the main points are these: 1) slowing tech growth to keep humans in jobs delays the inevitable and will have unintended consequences, 2) automation created jobs throughout history and may do so again, and 3) automation is not happening fast enough, limited by an abundance of cheap human labor.

Net/net, critics argue that while the effect of widespread automation will be negative for some people, the economy will be better off as a result.

With compelling arguments on both sides, how to make sense of this issue?

In my view, Gates’ position is about highlighting the vast inequality created by tech innovation.

Today, the gap between rich and poor is at record levels in most of the developed world, and the U.S. leads the pack. In this country, the richest 10% of workers earn 16.5 times that of the poorest 10%. This ratio has more than doubled (up from 7 times) since 1980.

The impending automation revolution will further deepen the divide between rich and poor. Fortune magazine stated this well:

"Some people will see their jobs become obsolete and will need to acquire new skills in order to obtain well-paying work. Robots and artificial intelligence will exacerbate economic inequality and place a burden on many workers to learn new skills."

It is on behalf of the "some people" that Bill Gates speaks. He argues, I believe correctly, that it is the duty of business and government to plan for the displacement of millions of American workers – even if the net economic effect will be positive.

By extension, I believe it is the duty of business leaders to understand and improve the wide economic inequalities that exist today and will deepen in the years ahead.

Retail leaders, in particular, can be a part of the solution by imagining the future of the automated workforce.

We should explore how human workers might work alongside robot “colleagues” to deliver enhanced customer experiences.

We can identify opportunities to retrain displaced workers for these new roles, perhaps building on programs like Amazon's Career Choice.

And, before we get completely wrapped up in automation, we should identify points of human interaction worth preserving and consider how these might create new opportunities for differentiation or revenue. This might be akin to the way some consumers pay a premium today for artisanal food. (One scholar intriguingly posits that someday the act of getting a manicure from a human might be a service for only the very rich!)

The arrival of the automated workforce is a business issue, since inequality creates social, economic and political tension that does not foster a healthy environment for commerce.

But it is a human issue as well. As tech concentrates wealth, knowledge and power in the hands of a few, it is critical to think about broadening it's positive impact in the lives of the many.

What can we learn from Spider-Man at the Dawn of the 4th Industrial Revolution?

Members of the World Economic Forum meet in Davos, Switzerland in late January every year. I have always enjoyed the thought-provoking panels, specifically those that inspire us to consider implications for business leaders and marketers.

In 2016, I noted on the blog that much of the Davos agenda that year had focused on the 4th Industrial Revolution (4IR) and the complex ways it will transform lives and livelihoods.

At this year’s meeting, talk about the 4IR continued.  This year’s focus evolved to include broader discussions of the ethical implications of 4IR’s ubiquitous connectivity and fast-paced fusion of physical, digital, and biological worlds. This emphasis on ethical values was both compelling and reassuring. It is a subject that business leaders will do well to contemplate.

Unprecedented Power for Companies:

The need to think about ethics at all springs from the unique position of today's companies. Many lead private-sector R&D teams instead of partnering with academic institutions. Their rapid development of 4IR technology (think: cognitive computing, AI, blockchain) gives them unprecedented powers uncircumscribed by academic protocols and the rigors of peer review.

For-profit entities now have the ability to decide what news we see, track our movements, direct where we go, and even predict how we will think.

These abilities could be problematic because most companies exist to maximize profit and have little formal incentive to consider their impact on human life and society or the health of the planet.

Enter the B-Corp, or “benefit corporation”. This is a hybrid structure that requires a company to state a purpose beyond profit and creates accountability to comply.

The idea, of course, is to go beyond pithy corporate mission statements (like Google’s ‘Do the Right Thing’ mantra) to engineer ethics into the DNA of a business.

Imagine a company contemplating the algorithm for a self-driving vehicle. If an accident is unavoidable, does the car take the course with the fewest potential casualties even if this puts the driver at risk? This is an ethical quandary. Most would favor saving the greatest number of lives but few would buy a vehicle that puts a driver at risk.

There is no easy answer. Yet, we can imagine how a company with accountability for both ethics and the bottom line will be better positioned to work through the issues.

Some forward-thinking tech firms, like Singularity University, have already organized themselves as B-corps. In a world where technology invisibly shapes much of life, the move from profit-driven to benefit-driven corporations could be transformative.

Unprecedented Power for Consumers:

If companies need to reengineer themselves around ethical values, the great news is that citizens are already there.

The 4IR world offers consumers myriad ways to influence businesses and they are using their clout for good.

On issues ranging from sourcing and sustainable packaging to fair treatment of employees, consumers prefer – I'll venture to say demand – to do business with companies that make ethical choices.

Walmart CEO Doug McMillon wrote that, in the 4IR future, retailers will survive only if their business creates value for both shareholders and society. The most successful will build social and environmental sustainability into their systems because it is the right thing to do and because it is what consumers reward with their dollars.

It is exciting to see companies like Patagonia and eBay lead the charge. And, to know that firms like Facebook and Airbnb are grappling with ethics issues in real, visible ways.

 An Unprecedented Opportunity to Do More Good:

The dawn of the 4IR presents many more questions than answers: Will robots take our jobs? Will omnipresent tech somehow make us less human? Will AI-driven technology someday threaten our very existence? These questions are equal parts dystopian nightmare and sobering meditations on the fast-paced evolution of technology.

In light of the weighty issues, a recommitment to values – one of the things that make our endeavors most human – will be our best shot at navigating the 4IR world.

As I look toward the uncertain future, I’ll remember that Spider-Man's oft-repeated mantra isn't only for superheroes. The "great power" of the coming 4IR revolution does indeed bring "great responsibility".