Building brands in a digital data world...welcome to era of the marketing technologist
Everyday as a marketer I wake up to a hyper-fragmented audience -- multiple social platforms, the ability to skip past our 30 sec ads, a more savvy and de-sensitized consumer. It's arguably getting harder and harder to reach consumers through traditional channels, and our appetite for technology in all forms, from digital TV to social media to smartphones is taking the blame. However, it's this same technology that has created data that has led to more unique ways to connect with consumers, and enabled the creation of immersive experiences that cross over from the digital to the physical world. These are the experiences that transcend simple awareness and win a share of heart and soul, which is what we really need to impact their consideration.
My blog aspires to explore and navigate this changing world. I will post my random thoughts on consumer, creative, strategy, data & analytics, business & life ...contextually timed. I am as anxious to share as I am to learn, so open door on feedback to my posts.